Neben dem Sprachcoaching gehören auch Sprachseminare zu unserem Angebotsspektrum.
Die Seminarkonzepte und Unterlagen entwickeln wir nach Ihren firmenspezifischen Anforderungen und den speziellen Wünschen ihrer Mitarbeiter/Innen.
Mit unseren erprobten Seminarkonzepten erreichen sie den maximalen Lernerfolg mit jeder Menge Spaßfaktor!
Nachfolgend finden sie eine Auswahl möglicher Seminarthemen:
Socializing and Customer Contact
Meetings and Facilitation
Effective (Technical) Writing
The Culture of Business
These are three intensive courses which integrate the Superlearning methods with everyday and business activities. The Superlearning concept involves new vocabulary activation, relaxation exercises, passive and active learning situations, useful phrases (tips’n’tricks), games, role-plays and other speaking activities.
These courses can be selected individually, but have been designed to form one complete coaching block over a period of three to four months.
Build your English -
Sprachlevel Refresher
A five-day Superlearning course which refreshes existing English knowledge and practices speaking skills within general everyday situations, role-playing topics such as time planning, shopping, holidays, telephoning, making arrangements and meeting people. This is recommended for people with some knowledge of English, but need practice at speaking and using the language.
Build your Business English -
Sprachlevel lower Intermediate
A five day Superlearning course which introduces the essential language used in business situations such as telephoning, discussions, talking about your company, describing jobs and socializing. This is recommended for people at a lower intermediate level of general English who need an introduction into basic general English.
Use your Business English -
Sprachlevel intermediate
A five-day Superlearning course which focuses on more detailed aspects of business English and how to apply them in your job. It specializing in correspondence, telephoning, polite forms, meetings, cross-cultural backgrounds and presentations. This is recommended is for those with an intermediate level of English who want to improve their spoken fluency, vocabulary and general business knowledge.
Weitere Seminare auf Anfrage. Wir beraten Sie gerne und senden Ihnen vorab nähere Informationen zu den einzelnen Seminaren zu!